My Unplanned Sabbatical

upside down warwick

Negotiating a tricky passage

My bypass surgery’s been scheduled for 17 August, with my recovery and recuperation likely to take at least three months after that, so it looks as if this silly cardiac business is going to put a question mark over the rest of 2015.

I’m hoping still to be able to run a couple of six-week courses in November-December.  Perhaps the Kafka and the Wallace Stevens courses, and some further sessions in the Old English series for you dedicated souls who’ve stuck with it all this time.

If all goes to plan.  But for the moment we’ve got to assume everything will remain on hold till 2016.  Expect some notice one way or the other by October.  And thank you all again for your messages of sympathy and encouragement.  The outlook remains very positive, once I get through the physical challenge up front, and I’m looking forward to pushing on with a full schedule once I’m fighting fit again.

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