The Poetry of Seamus Heaney

SeamusHeaneyAuthorPicSeamus Heaney’s poetry covers a huge ground.  With a keen eye and finely tuned voice, he composed poems of powerful local intensity that have reached a global audience.  His effortless wit and humor, his warmth, and his uncanny ways of holding the world to a moral standard at once generous and exacting have proven utterly unforgettable to any who have encountered them.  In six two-hour sessions we will read and discuss a representative sampling of Heaney’s poems from across his career.  A selection of these will be provided in the first session.

The Poetry of Seamus Heaney

Where:  Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane

When:  Wednesdays, 1pm to 3pm, 6 November to 11 December

Fee: $130

If you’re interested, let me know via the “Contact Us” link.

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